Our Vision

Our vision is to connect people with Christ, each other and the community through:

Empowering people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Every person is created for the purpose of connecting with God and living a life that pleases Him. Our desire is for people of all ages to make this connection with Christ and grow in their personal relationship with Him. We believe that an integral part of people’s spiritual growth is through involvement in our Sunday morning service. This time together is centered around sincere, contemporary worship, relevant Bible-based messages and opportunities for prayer and ministry.
Providing opportunities for developing authentic relationships with others.

People are created to do life together. We are committed to creating an environment where people are welcomed, valued and loved. Connect Groups (our life groups) encourage people to establish genuine friendships with others as they spend time studying the Bible and journeying in their faith together.

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Making a difference in our community by demonstrating the love of Christ.

Connect Church aims to impact the lives of people in the community by reaching out to others in the name of Christ. We want to be a soul-winning church that gives hope to people as we share the Gospel message with them. We also desire to assist people with their various physical and emotional needs and work together with them to provide support and help where possible.